Saturday, June 29, 2013

Former Reagan Immigration Researcher Says Sarah Palin is WRONG on Immigration.

"An informed patriotism is what we want"   Ronald Reagan

 `Sarah Palin on this issue I'm the QUEEN with the facts - I did research work for Reagan's people while the Immigration issue was being debated.  FYI- I spent time with migrant farm workers in the Salina's Valley.  

Ronald Reagan RESPECTED all people & those associated with him knew the "image was everything" and they wanted ALL people to know that the President care about "them".   Your comment makes not sense but I can say with 100% certainty you are WRONG.   If the Tea Party wants to spout Reagan rhetoric then do so CORRECTLY- heck Sal Russo knows the character of the former President YOU should talk to him - he's smart.

"You've just abandoned the Reagan Democrats with this amnesty bill," Palin's statement read. "It was the loss of working class voters in swing states that cost us the 2012 election, not the Hispanic vote. Legal immigrants respect the rule of law and can see how self-centered a politicians must be to fill this amnesty bill with favors, earmarks and crony capitalists' pork, and call it good. You disrespect Hispanics with your assumption that they desire ignoring the rule of law."  Sarah Palin

Palin to GOP establishment: 'You disrespect Hispanics'

CNN (blog)-by Sarah Palin-17 hours ago
Superimposed on the photo was her statement: "Great job, GOP establishment." The bill, which includes a pathway to citizenship for most of the ...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Global Warming is Real - It's Just the Climate Preachers That are Annoying. They Need to RESPECT ALL PEOPLE and That Means They MUST Not Act Like Snobby Educated Elitist

Conservatives: Public backlash to immigration reform is coming

The Hill-6 hours ago
Opponents of the Senate immigration reform bill say a strong public backlash is coming and think they have a good chance of stopping it on the ...

Please watch this (you might need alcohol) and then ask this question.

Why would any "rational" moderate from a purple state support the GOP?

At CPAC several people connected to BIG DONORS told me they were happy they were leaving CPAC "early" & very happy that they scheduled the "Serious" Speakers on Thursday and Friday.  I was told that Rand Paul is the "hope" for the party... They worry about his words on NATIONAL SECURITY.

Sill I did not see Condoleezza, Chris Christie, Susana Martinez speak. I could have stayed for the dinner to see Jeb Bush speak the but dinner the night before with Jim DeMint & the NRA Elite put me into a state of disbelief.   It amazed me that people could ONLY focus on 1 issue....  

Do we need to give the GOP meds for their ADD?   

Lastly I want to THANK CPAC.... The education sessions inspired me especially the one led by a Tennessee group that's trying to "clean up" America.  Kurt Potter and Mishelle Perkins THANK YOU!!! 

We have to Wake Up America Using Our Brains.....

Did Reince Priebus EVER talk about the planet?

We don't need the ONLY logical republican on climate to be the guy NOBODY likes... except for corrupt people: